Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More Potter Nerdiness Awaits

It's May Day and what does that mean?  The start of term for the Harry Potter Knitting and Crochet House Cup, and this time, I've been sorted!! into RAVENCLAW!!!  (You can't see my happy dance, but it's happening, trust me.)  Funny, I have more school spirit for Hogwarts than I do for any of my actual alma maters.

I've got several projects planned already, so you'll be seeing some extra special projects along the way, most of which will beg the question: "aaaand why did you make this again?"  Oh c'mon, it's fun. 


Sticks, don't fail me now!


Pumpkin said...

I've always heard that was really fun event to take part in. I cannot wait to see what kinds of FOs you produce during it!

autumngeisha said...

It sounds like a lot of fun!