
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Knitwear at the Movies: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pt. 1

I <3 the Harry Potter series.  I work in the children's department of a public library for four years during the major Potter boom times, and let me say, it was fantastic!  We had all sorts of Potter-related events; one very special seven-hour party was done in partnership with a local bookstore, culminating in the midnight sale of the newest book at the time (Order of the Phoenix was the only one published in that timespan, so that must've been it).

I've recently attempted to join the Ravelry group Harry Potter Knitting & Crochet House Cup.  It looks like a fun time; unfortunately, I missed the Sorting Hat cutoff for this semester (by three hours!).  Since I haven't been knitting at all in the last two weeks, that's probably a good thing.
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I have seen every Harry Potter movie in the theatres EXCEPT the most recent release, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pt. 1, or as I lovingly refer to it, HP7a.  Netflix came through for me, and I was able to get screenshots of some pretty fine knits.

No spoilers.  Are you surprised by people wearing sweaters in England in winter?  Then OK.

Ron's Cabled Cardigan
The first sweater featured here belongs to Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint).  I caught myself staring and had to rewind to catch the dialogue of the scene!
A bit grumpy, but well dressed
My husband does not find cardigans to be sufficiently manly -- try telling that to Mr. Rogers, honey! -- but this one might actually fit the bill.  The dark gray color plus the heft of the cabling combine: so cozy!

Harry's Pullover
And then, there's Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) in a subtle tweed:
Again with the dark gray
When he was moving around a lot, it was difficult to see that there was any pattern at all; standing still here, one can see the small cables and braids that wind through the front.  Very classy.

Hermione's Hat
My girl Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) has good taste in stocking caps:
Very pensive
I love the dusty rose color, I love the stitch pattern...  all in all, I want this hat on my head.  But not right now, it's a little warm.

1 comment:

  1. One of the saddest thing about the HP franchise ending is the fact that there aren't movies with as many knits. I loved seeing all the hats, scarves and sweaters.
